Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturn Freak Out

I can't really complain when DH's Saturn breaks down, but I want to. Oh, it doesn't matter that it has almost 200K miles on it. Who cares if it was an original part! I want that car to last forever and never cost more than a set of tires and an oil change. Yeah, I know.

Of course that means DH's Saturn broke down today. He coasted into the parking lot at work, with all the dials and gauges going crazy. He phoned our wonderful mechanic who sent a tow truck and it will be back up and running tomorrow. It seems the tensioner rod broke, so the belt came off. It shouldn't be bad, but it put me into a slight panic this morning.

I spent a bit trying to figure out how much cash I could come up with, how much was open on the credit card and so on. But, really it shouldn't be an issue. Maybe $300 on the outside, so I relaxed when the mechanic called. Now I just have to deal with DH driving my blue bug to work tomorrow. Oh, do I cringe when he drives my car! I always imagine him a wild man. Windows down, tongue out, eyes bugging, stereo blasting, flames shooting from the exhaust... you get the idea. Seriously, I do want him to drive the Saturn until there is nothing left but burning ash on the side of the road. One day, I want to get to where I can keep my bug under a protective cover in the garage and tell my grand kids, "This is what I drove when we could still get oil!"

Overheard in the bookstore:
My ex husband is getting remarried tomorrow.
You gonna give him away?

For my comment leavers:

Hazel, for comics, you might try Mutts by Patrick McDonnell. His comic strip has been around quite some time and the animals might have great appeal. Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley might also do the trick. You should be able to find some of their books at your library. I know if you get down to your local big box bookstore, that I don't name, you will be able to find books of each of the strips. Plus, they should have some Calvin in the bargain area. As for Dodie Smith, how did I never foist her on you in college? I still have the same copy of 101 Dalmatians that I got in elementary school, and I must confess, it's only been about three years since I've read it. I loved I Capture the Castle, and I've been meaning to try the movie version that came out in recent years. As for the Guernsey book, I neglected to mention that it will be released on July 29th. I am still thinking of it very often during the day. Love and kisses to all.

Bryan, it looks like the dog may be a no go for now. Thanks for the thoughts about Baxter. When we get back from our September trip, I am going to seriously go on the hunt. Maybe another Mohawk Mel will come about! :) I did see our Slinky opossum tonight, so at least there is something furry in the yard.

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