Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Call to Action!

Life has been crazy around here, as usual. I'm all caught up in planning our September vacation to Walt Disney World, balancing my budget, chasing Hoot, and planning my Breaking Dawn release party at work. But, tonight, I am going to put all that on hold. Tomorrow, I will be mailing out a few letters. Sure, there will be a few bills in the mix, and a birthday card for my brother in law, but three letters will be at the top of my list.

It all started with an email from AirTran. I opened it up thinking, "Yippee! A sale!" But, I got something far better. I got a swift kick in the butt about not doing a thing about oil prices. Yep. A few airlines kicked my butt. (You can read a copy of this letter here, on the AirTran website.)You see, there has already been a lot of discussion with family members about oil speculators driving up the already high costs of our oil. But complaints and discussions weren't doing a thing. I was too wrapped up in my daily life.

Our oil shortage is just part of the problem. Oil speculation is a giant chunk of our pump pinching. Sure, we can all get greener. We can all start conserving. We can all jump aboard the Pickens Plan. But, in the mean time, we can get enough pressure on Congress to stop the oil speculators. By stopping the speculators, we can help our economy while we figure out alternative fuels. Congress has this power, but they are not using it.

What did it cost you to fill up last time you were at the pump? Really? That much? Would it be worth twenty minutes of your time to reduce that cost? Seriously, twenty minutes. Give over twenty minutes of your time to read through this website: Stop Oil Speculation Now. Use the information provided to email your congressmen. It doesn't take long at all, and if enough of us do it, we really can make a difference. Me, I'm not going to email. I'm going to stamp those letters myself. The money you save will be your own.

Around the Household:

Why is it that when you open a brand new Barrel of Monkeys, you think, "Wow, there aren't many monkeys in that barrel!" And yet, when you are trying to vacuum, you think, "How many blasted monkeys came in that barrel?"

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