Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Close Encounters of the Wii Kind

On Friday, Hoot and I went to Wallyworld to buy me a new watch and pick up a few sundries. We rarely go to this particular Wallyworld, because we have a Super Wallyworld nearby. I'm not a huge fan of Super Wallyworld, but when you need a few quarts of oil, sunscreen, toothpaste, a yard of white fabric, bread and yogurt, you can definitely get it in one stop. Couple convenience with low (but not always the lowest) prices and I can get over it.

One of DH's and Hoot's favorite movies is The Three Caballeros. We've owned it on VHS forever and it gets regularly played. So, we noticed that it was quietly released onto DVD earlier this month. DH put it on his birthday wish list. I've been watching for it because with it's low key release, I was afraid the PC police would chunk it back into the vault quickly. We were also concerned that they might have changed the movie. On the Gran Fiesta Tour ride in Epcot, Panchito noticeably does not have his guns! I am still scarred by the gun being changed to a radio during the re-release of ET a few years back.

With the birthday wish list tucked away, and after the Caballeros release date, I thought I'd just pick it up the movie when I saw it. I had made a trip to Target, but no Donald, Jose, or Panchito were around. I had dropped into a Disney Store the next week and there were no birds. I strolled down to Best Buy one night on break, and if they were there, they were in the back having a siesta. Alas, they were appearing to be elusive.

So, when I found myself at the other Wallyworld, I decided to stroll through their electronics department with a roving eye on the DVDs. Alas, no Caballeros. As I was working my way back towards the exit of the department, I noticed several employees unloading a flat of stock. On the top layers were several Wiis. Now, I may have been lusting quietly for a Wii, but last I knew they were still illusive creatures that required getting up early and hoping they were still in stock by the time you got to the store. I still have no idea if the market is finally flush with stock.

Quickly, I look around. No one is rushing over to snatch the Wiis from the employees. No big mob, nothing. I realize it's very possible that the true craze has past and it's just a normal Cabbage Patch Kid now. But, I definitely thought "Here's my chance!" What, seriously? I'm going to make a $250 impulse purchase? On a video game console? Do I look like I have that kind of time?

I must confess: I struggle with the Wii for at least 30 minutes. I left the department, circled the store, returned to gawk at them some more, but eventually left Wii-less. Sadly, it wasn't even my No Buy stance that stopped the deal. Honestly, the longer I thought about it, the more I realized that I knew the video game game. The console is just a tiny part of the cost involved. Soon, you will want a second controller, so two people can play. Then, you want a new game or two. Then controller chargers, memory cards, and a Wii Fit. Alas, the madness will never end.

Again, I finally asked myself, "Do you have that kind of time?" The answer, sadly enough was no. However, I am keeping a line of thoughts open about potential Wii purchases in the future. But, it will be budgeted in before the beginning of the month.

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