Monday, June 20, 2011

Back to the Closet

Since returning from conference, I've been editing Let Go.  It's very hard for me, because I really want to work on The Eli Project.  TEP, as I have come to notate it, is at that point where I can't seem to get it out fast enough.  I stand in the backyard, walking Luna Lovegood and I think: Deborah Adams is twenty-seven.  A perfect cube, the age of so many who died too young, and so forth.  It flows through so hard and fast.  My life is surrounded in posties and my notebooks are the ramblings of a madwoman.  I know the longer I wait, the easier it will come.  But, I am devoted to the editing of Let Go.  I have promised myself to have this pass at the manuscript finished before the end of July.  That's going to be tough.  I haven't even considered we might go away for a week in there somewhere. 

Why do I need sleep?

Tomorrow, I'm going to be a good girl.  I'm going to check my email and Facebook once, just after dropping Hoot off at daycare, then I'm going to get busy.  No TweetDeck, no phone calls.  Just me and Let Go.  Well, maybe Pandora.   And a post it note or two about TEP.  And a pot of coffee.  Definitely a pot of coffee.

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