Thursday, February 21, 2008

Scrubbing Bubbles, meet the Siamese bathroom.

Almost 3 years ago, we set out to buy a house. I learned a very powerful lesson in focus and being specific. Our last rent house had only one bathroom. Throughout the last part of my pregnancy and most of the first year of DS's life, I constantly thought, "Dear Lord, let my next house have two toilets." Never, ever, ever, did I think I had to be more specific.

So, when we first looked in the windows of what is now our humble abode, I was excited because clearly it had two bathrooms. Well, it did and it didn't.

When we first looked at the house, I was horrified by the foil fern wallpaper in the hall bathroom. I snapped this picture because I knew no one would believe me if I was telling them about the foil ferns. Jungle love, huh? Then I realized, my mom had entered the bathroom just ahead of me. So, she would be in the picture, right?

Well, not in a Siamese bathroom. She escaped through the tub into the other bathroom. I stepped forward a few feet and snapped this picture through the shower door. It's the other toilet.

In short, I have "two bathrooms" but one tub connecting them. Thus, I have four, count them, four frosted sliding glass doors to scrub. And I hate scrubbing them.

Not long ago, I signed up to become a BzzAgent. I accepted my first campaign without a single hesitation. It was for the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner. I can't wait to give this baby a try! It claims to keep a clean shower clean and get a dirty shower clean in just 14 to 21 days. Let's just say, I'm gonna have to wait- though the shower is cleaner than the picture above, taken before we bought the house.

Curious about the Scrubbing Bubbles? Visit to get the low down. I will definitley be letting you know how it goes. I have been coveting them and it has sorely tempted my No Buy. I was even considering breaking down and buying a Black & Decker Scrub Buster, but I hope this works instead.

I mean, if I'm gonna break my No Buy, it should be for something fun, right?

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