Saturday, April 26, 2008

This week in Stoneland

Wow, the end of April is already upon me and I haven't even begun to polish up May's budget. I also haven't gone over all we spent in April. I'll be out of town for work on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, so I'm going to have to spend some time this weekend and Monday going over it all.

April appears to be shaping up about right. I know I am under budget on our Grocery/Household category, so that's always nice. I also saved money on our tax budget. We had a few unexpected expenses when Hoot needed a present for a birthday party and we've planned out our September vacation and I scored a major deal on our airfare. I've also paid one of my sister's bills. But, all in all, it's coming out just about where I wanted to be. I like that a lot!

May is an overwhelming month for us. There is so much going on and it's hard to pre-plan. We have Mother's Day, our 15th wedding anniversary, and DH's birthday all within a ten day mid-month span. I am also taking another small work trip right in the middle of that time frame. Boy, I'm really going to have to think it all through. And is it silly that I am already trying to figure out how we can get out to see the new Indiana Jones movie? We really miss going to movies and have vowed to not wait until this one is out on video.

May is also going to be tough on DH's income. With my two trips, our schedules are not going to allow him to work as much as he normally does. I've traded away a couple of opening shifts and I hope to trade away a few more. I had originally asked to open on Mother's Day, but was given it off. I'm sad about that because it is the week I am going out of town. It means one more day that I'm off where DH cannot work.

We have several bright spots on the horizon over the next five months. I discovered our Homestead Exemption was never applied to our house when we received a letter from a third party agency notifying us that for only $200 they will correct this error. Yeah, right. I downloaded a form and walked it into our county tax office for free. That should give us a nice chunk of money back from our escrow account and reduce our house payment. Last year, we received our escrow check in August, so I can only think it is going to come around the same time this year. I also make my last car payment in August. One of our debts was recently put to rest and our tax rebate is going to cut our back taxes in half. It's all looking up and doing well.

I'm starting to work on the plans for our September vacation. I'll have my vacation budget finalized soon and am already working on having it paid for well before we go. I am pre-funding a Wal-Mart gift certificate to use for gas during our vacation. Every time I go in to buy something, I'm going to add $10 to the card in my wallet. I really want to have $100 on it by September 1st. I've paid cash for our plane tickets and saved right at $250 from what I estimated. But, I'll blog my vacation plans soon. Maybe I'll get one of those snazzy savings tickers so I can watch my progress. Yeah! I love tickers.

On the home front:
Hoot broke the lock on DH's door to his music room. Then we fixed it and he broke it again. He was using shear brute force and snapped the chain! He also has a new trick where he moves my dresser out into the hallway. He's three and a half and moves furniture, and puts his shoulder to the door until the chain snaps. What am I going to do with this kid when he's big?

I also spotted a opossum. Awesome opossum! I don't think he is our opossum as he hasn't peeked in a single window yet. Since we had "Old Opossum" when we moved in, "New Opossum" who peeked into the window, we've decided to give this one a proper name. We shall call him Slinky.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's a family thang

Money always seems to be a family thing. If you have been raised with poor money values, it's hard to get past them. One of my biggest struggles has always been to get past the poor money values I was taught, or should I say not taught, as a child. Kids are aware of so much more than we give them credit for. If you really want to know how you are doing with your money, ask your kids. Sure, they may not want for much, or lack an allowance, but they can be pretty good indicators. If they say you are rich and you struggle with your credit card bills, maybe it's time to have a chat. If my mom had ever bothered to ask me, I would've told her a lot of stuff she didn't want to hear. Still could, for that matter.

For my mother's last birthday, I gave her a Christmas shopping trip. We set aside a day in early December so that my dad could hang out here with my hubby & Hoot. Then, we drove over to Austin for the day. We hit the outlets and Ikea in Roundrock. It was a blast. I had set a strict budget for my shopping and had money set aside for dinner and gas. I had used my think it through before you go strategy and gave myself a dollar amount exemption for my No Buy December. It was a lot of fun. However, I think I kept puzzling my mother because every time I made a purchase, I wrote it down in my notebook. She kept saying things like, "We don't have to have a nice dinner." She didn't quite follow my idea that I can have anything I want, if I plan for it. It was part of my present to her and to myself. I didn't even spend much. Gas, dinner, everything came out to $105. Not bad and we had a great time. But, I think because I kept a tally, she thought I had broke the bank!

So now, as I am examining my own habits and thoughts about money, I am also taking a look at my siblings and parents. We all have poor money habits. This is no pot calling kettle. I know I am the well seasoned skillet on the stove. That's what I'm trying to change. I am grateful that I am able to make these changes in my life. I am grateful that I haven't put myself into a situation where I can no longer see the light of day.

One of my favorite things about Larry Winget's book Your Broke Because You Want to Be is the accountability he shoves into your face. Yes, I know there are reasons that keep people in poor financial situations. I know that my sister is really unable to work for health reasons. I get this. However, when things aren't so great, isn't there still something that can be done?

I guess I'm thinking about this stuff because I am going to help out my sister by catching up her gas bill. And, I really don't mind helping. I've been in situations where I've needed help. I know that it happens and we all need a little help now and then. (Well, she needs a lot of help.) But, when I called and asked her what was about to be cut off, she told me to take my pick. She was on final notice on the electric bill, water bill, gas bill, satellite bill and phone bill. I told her I would pay the gas bill. It may seem harsh, but she can live without TV and a phone.

Holy cow! What a bummer post. Let's see if I can lighten it up! Things at home are going well and we're having a great week. I've just learned that the pool is open on weekends, so that's a bright spot on the horizon. I didn't budget it into April because I thought they didn't open until May, but I'll spot myself for the 25 swim pass this weekend if the weather is nice.

Overheard in the bookstore:
I'd like to return this please (handing over a copy of Baby's First Book of Prayers)
Is there anything wrong with it?
No. I just found out the baby's parents don't believe in God.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Taxes & my Stimulating Non-Rebate

Alas, the familiar email from TurboTax. I have been accepted once again. Or, at least my electronicly filed taxes have been accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. Pardon me if I don't leap to my feet in excitement. But, well, I didn't fall to my knees and beg for mercy this year either, so I guess that's something.

Tax debt has been a major issue for us for the last several years. Okay, much of this decade so far. When my DH was laid off in 2001, we foolishly, foolishly cashed in his 401k. It was just another warning sign that should've told us how we lived financially was not healthy. We made very good money, but dang, we spent very bad money. When I think about it now, DH made a lot more a year than the both of us make combined now. However, that's not the point. The point is that it was one bad mistake after another. Lather, rinse, repeat. If I had a time machine, I'd slap myself.

So, we owed the IRS a big wad of cash. We owed everyone a big wad of cash. We did not have a big wad of cash. The IRS will kindly take payments, for huge interest and fees. So, we set up the payment plan and mailed a check each month. Then, two years later, we owed the IRS a smallish wad of cash. No worries, they will tack on payments. I resign myself to paying the IRS until I die.

Then, DS comes along and Hubby is working as contract labor until he has completed the first 3 months of work. But, we strike our deal with his employer to stay part-time contract labor if they will work around my schedule. It's totally awesome and we're excited because we don't have to use day care! But, now we have to get our hands around this tax thing. I foolishly listened to people tell me that now we have the kid, we'll have to pay a lot less taxes. Well, as DH is self employed, it didn't work that way. I think I've got enough to cover the next tax bill and I miss it by two grand! Holy Cow! I've almost got the first big bill paid off and I'm about to add another!

Then last year, when I filed our 2006 taxes, I was shocked again. Really, I thought I had done a much better job with keeping up with everything. I paid a chunk and since I'd paid off the first two installment agreements, I was able to tack on another one.

But, in the fall of 2006, DH became a regular employee. You know those taxes everyone complains about coming out of their check? We wept in joy to have them taken! It was glorious. And these 2007 taxes weren't hardly painful at all! It took less time to prepare them and the bill was $145. Yippee! Talk about glorious.

Then, I began to wonder about the Economic Stimulus Rebates that everyone is spending before they can even get their hands on it. What would happen to it? So, I dug around on the IRS website and found my answer. We will be getting a Stimulating Non-Rebate. We qualify to "receive" a stimulating $1500. But, it's a Non-Rebate for us. The IRS will keep against what we owe and I couldn't be happier! By the time the rebate kicks in, it will pay almost half of what we have left.

On the homefront:

DH did indeed clean some residual baby powder last night, including the stripe behind the door of our bedroom. However, I am not entirely pleased. In true man fashion, he brought the leaf blower inside and worked over the room-sized rafia rug in our bedroom. True, it got more out of the crevices than the vacuum cleaner did and it was far more effective that I would've guessed had I known about the plan before hand, but really? The leaf blower? He claims he blew it all out the window. Explains why I need to clean windows today.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Bit of Rebellion in the Ranks

It seems we have a little bit of rebellion in the ranks lately. Possibly even some from the Quartermaster herself. Little purchases seem to keep slipping in and it's making me nuts!

We still have baby powder drifting through the house. It just seems to keep coming from nowhere in particular and dusting our lives. I wipe off the dresser, it reappears in the morning. I wipe down the ceiling fan, it's back again with in a few days. I guess it's just going to have to work itself out. But, it doesn't make the housekeeping any easier.

Sometimes, I find myself teetering at the brink of full blown chaos. The baby powder just seemed to give me a good shove towards the abyss. Behind the master bedroom door, a white stripe has appeared along the wall and gathered fluffy white dust bunnies. I am afraid the white stripe is going to be our cheese in the suitcase if not our giant fork and spoon nailed to the wall. The references I am making is to an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond that I love entitled Baggage. Actually, its one of the few episodes I've seen all the way through. Debra and Ray are both ignoring a suitcase filled with cheese because they both believe the other one should unpack it after a trip. It goes on for a really long time and they find out Ray's parents have a giant fork and spoon nailed on their kitchen wall for similar reasons. Am I going to have a white stripe behind my door forever?

Then tonight, when I came home for dinner there was Fast Food! I couldn't believe it! We were supposed to have fish sticks and fries. Yeah, I know it's not exciting, but the kid is 3. He loves fish stick night! And, the excuse for getting Fast Food? He was cleaning up baby powder! Hey, I don't think we get to use that one anymore! And, when I looked before I went back to work, the white stripe was still there! Argh! To be honest, the price of a cheeseburger would've been worth someone else cleaning up the baby powder, if that would be the end of the baby powder!

Hopefully, the stripe is now gone, the urge for fast food is gone and we can get back to our No Buy ways. I hope so. It's very discouraging to have to continually post that I didn't make it for a $0 day. It kind of takes the winds out of my sails. We potentially have big plans for Hoot's 4th birthday, and that's gonna take a lot of wind.

Overheard in the bookstore:
Do you have the Encyclopedia Britannica on audio?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to buy in bulk. Sure, I love my giant buy twice a year box of commercial paper towels. I love it when it comes out cheaper to buy 900 rolls of toilet paper. The savings is a large part of that love. Not having to continually go to the store is the other. I love that I haven't bought shampoo in years. (Though, yikes, I'm almost out!) Bulk items allow me to have more days when I don't spend a dime. I like those days. I've had three in a row this week.

So, when is it not cool to buy a giant container of something? Well, when your son gets something he shouldn't, if it's Jumbo Sam's Size, the mess is well, Jumbo Sam's Size.

We'd had such a nice morning. I was getting things done. Hoot was playing nice. Then, I left him on my bed with his tub of Mr. Potato Head parts and went to make lunch. I was gone just over five minutes. Two minutes to microwave leftover chicken. One minute on pasta. Two minutes for frozen corn. I made lemonade and set the table while waiting for the microwave. Then, I heard the giggles. As I opened the hall door, the first thing that hit me was the smell. If you are a J.R. Ward fan (she writes delightfully edgy, trashy vampire romance novels) you will get me when I thought "Do we have Lessers in the house?" Ah, the sweet smell of baby powder. Well, my baby sure got powdered!

No need to adjust your monitors, folks. That's just fall out. In truth, I wasn't so too terribly angry when it happened. I knew I had to grab the camera. I knew I had to have photographic evidence of the crime or no one would believe the magnitude.

No place was safe. Not my bed.Even poor Don Quixote (or Donkey Oty, as DS calls him) wasn't safe. He got his booty dusted.

He even attempted to make "snow angels" as I took pictures. Boy, you can bet these pictures will re-appear when he least expects it. Maybe prom night!
So, I just decided it could wait until after lunch. So, we had a nice lunch together and then dug out the vacuum. God Bless Hoover! But, I ended up having to use the wand attachment with the brush on the end. Yep, the entire back of the house with a two inch brush. And, I had to be at work in under two hours. Let's just say we did the best we could. Actually, I think it took hours just to settle. It seems to be kicking up again every time someone walks by a crime scene. Honestly, it could take days to get it all back to normal.
So, baby powder in giant bulk container: NO
Vacuum bags in giant bulk packages: YES
Overheard in the bookstore:
The conversation was about Billy Ray Cyrus:
Yeah, but wasn't he really good looking back then?
We were all good looking back then.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Routine of the Quartermaster

It seems like I've been out of my routine for weeks and weeks. We had the trip to my parent's house for Easter. I was on vacation the next week. We had the big garage sale. Then, it was my first week back at work, which is always surreal, ending in a trip to the circus. What a crazy couple of weeks it's been. But, I think it's starting to settle down a bit.

Yesterday and today, I had two $0 days in a row. This makes me very happy and helps things seem calmer. We've gotten a good routine going at home and it's just easier when I'm not spending money. Of course, DH would probably beg to differ. He keeps coming at me with things he wants or, in his words, "needs." Yes, I know he needs things for work. He supplies his own welding gloves, helmet, jacket and tools. I get that. However, I also know he knew he only had a few pairs of gloves left last month. I simply asked him to review his equipment before the end of the month so that I could budget it all into my No Buy exemptions. Is this too hard? He began to refer to me as "Quartermaster." I laughed it off, but there was just a little something I couldn't make out as he walked off and mumbled it again.

In the US Army, the Quartermaster Corp supplies the troops with equipment and provisions. I am sure that this is what he meant. However, a quick Wikipedia search later and I learned a lovely little tidbit I can't wait to share with him:

Pirate quartermasters
Through a historical oddity, pirates during the Golden Age of Piracy elevated the rank of quartermaster to much higher powers and responsibilities than it had aboard any merchant or naval vessel.
Pirate quartermasters, like pirate captains, were usually elected by their crews. The quartermaster ranked higher than any officer aboard the ship except the captain himself, and could veto the captain's decisions whenever the ship was not chasing a prize or engaged in battle. The quartermaster also was chiefly responsible for discipline, assessing punishments for crewmen who transgressed the articles. It was generally also the quartermaster's responsibility to lead the pirate boarding party when coming aboard another ship. Several quartermasters, notably Calico Jack Rackham, succeeded to command and became captains in their own right after the previous captain was killed or deposed.

Yep, I highlighted the lovely part in red. Think I'm gonna print it out and stick it on the fridge, too. Maybe make out a lovely Excel spreadsheet supply requisitions form. Make him submit it in triplicate by the 28th of the month previous to when he'd like supplies.

Honestly, he has made several comments about how much less stress there has been in the house since I started the No Buy routine. But, the man is just a spender at heart.

On the home front:
I am sad to say that I have not seen the opossum in about a month. I am choosing to believe he ran off with the silver opossum and that little babies will be around soon. I am not choosing to believe he was on the side of the road "playing" in traffic.

In the bookstore:
OK, I've had the "Where's your Non-fiction?" question two times in the last week! What's the deal? It happens, we laugh about it, but seriously, twice in the last week?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Big Top Budget Buster

Tonight, we went to the Circus. It was our Family Fun outing for April and we've been looking forward to it for months. We've spent many bedtimes reading Circus McGurkus by Dr. Seuss and today, DH & Hoot used their afternoon quiet time to watch Dumbo.

We attempted three times to buy advance tickets at the local Appletree supermarket, but their booth was closed twice (once a four in the afternoon!) and this morning, the tickets had already been picked back up. Because we'll have to buy them at the gate, we're already a little off from my budget. But with the free child's ticket, it's still only going to cost $32 for the three of us.

When we arrive, we pay our $5 for parking and slog our way from the oh, so soggy parking field to the front gate. We're pretty impressed by the big top and there is a menagerie area just inside the gate. There are elephant, camel, and pony rides just begging to be bought. There is also a semi-petting zoo where you can buy feed to give to goats, llamas, and a donkey. We met this lovely lady there:

Her big smile caused Hoot to do a little jig!

And immediately, I'm wondering how much llama food costs! But, I push the impulse aside and we eventually enter the Big Top itself. We bypass the clown selling programs at the front door, but stop at the concession trailer as we had promised Hoot one of those elusive sodas he likes so much. So, there was another $2.50, but hey, that's okay. We're only up to $39.50 out of our $50 budget.

As we head towards the stadium seating, we notice a woman with a cash register is selling reserved "preferred seating" for only $4 extra. There is also "box seating" for $5 extra. The box seating consists of plastic lawn chairs right down front and center on the floor level. The preferred seating is just behind it and the seats have backrests. It's now almost 7:30 pm and I've been up since 5:30 am and those backrests are looking very, very appealing. Then I realize how much easier it would be to keep Hoot contained if we had back rests. I suddenly find myself wondering if I will choose $12 extra or $15 extra. Remember a few years ago, when an elephant went mad at a small circus? I can still play the video footage in my head. Okay, preferred please, I would like to have a buffer or two between us and center ring. And that's it. Our circus budget is blown by a buck fifty.

But, of course, it doesn't stop there! We're in our seats and it's almost showtime and the concessionaires are out in force with light up swords, fiber optic wands, and what we called "The Wand of Power" because we thought it had the power to keep Hoot entertained until the show began. It was a blue wand with a spinning globe of lights on top. When you pushed the button it made a zinging noise and the lights went crazy. Circus budget blown by $11.50.

Halfway through the show, we hit intermission. Or should I say, half-time capitalism? Step right up ladies and gentlemen! In ring one, the ever popular Pony Ride! Only $4 for a round! Now showing in ring two: The amazing Drape A Giant Snake Around Your Baby, What a Christmas Card This Will Make Photo Booth! Only $5 a photo, kids! And in ring three: Elephant rides, $6 a pop! Needless to say, I was quite happy we made it through intermission only spending $3 on cotton candy. The boys were totally eyeing those elephants!

The cotton candy was the last purchase of the night and we all had a blast. The budget was blown by $14.50. But, considering how bad DH wanted to get pictures of Hoot on a camel and an elephant, at least it wasn't shot out of a cannon.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Beginning of the month

It's April 1st and time for a clean slate. I like the first of the month a lot better than I used to, that's for sure. Before my No Buy and my Master Plan budget sheet in Excel, I dreaded starting over. *sigh* It was just another round of new bills. Didn't I just pay these people? Again? Really? Does it ever end?

April brings with it my 9th month of No Buy. My attitudes towards money, finances, and bills have changed so much. It's not a dreaded chore anymore. It's a challenge, and dare I say it, kind of fun. What has happened to me? I guess my inner planner has taken over.

This month has some different bills than usual. The Saturn's registration is due and the taxes on Tara are due (Federal income taxes). The "other bills" as I used to call them always sent me into a tizzy. What, like I didn't know cars got registered and tax day fell on April 15th? It used to seem more like random acts before my excel spreadsheet was born. When I hit September of this year, it will be even easier to plan for these types of bills. I'll have made a full 12 month circle on the spreadsheet and be able to look at last year's expenses.

We also have a bit of fun coming up this month. For our family fun exemption, we're taking Hoot to the circus on Friday. I know it's not very P.C. but I love the circus. It's even cooler because it's a real big top circus. His first circus is going to be under the big top! That's too cool. I even scored a free child's ticket!

Current reading: It's Not About the Money by Brent Kessel. I've just picked it up today and I've only made it through the introduction. Pretty interesting so far. I wonder if it'll be a Zen and the Art of the Bank Account Maintenance kind of thing?